Dugie Clark grew up on a croft on the Island of Colonsay and it was there that he first learnt how to drystone dyke from his father. On leaving school Dugie worked as a Shepherd on the Island of Oronsay, then in Northumberland and Stirlingshire. He then went self-employed clipping and contract shepherding in the Summer then dyking in the Winter. After several years dyking in Argyll, with another dyker, it was clear that the stonework was taking over and had become the main focus.
Dugie worked as a sole trader for approximately 22 years growing the business and employing other stone workers. This means that there is now a team of experienced stone operators at our core who have worked for many years with Dugie and who enjoy working on a variety of projects.
All members of the team have a thorough understanding that the mission of the business is to provide work of a high quality that makes the business stand out from our competitors. This ensures that all of the team leave a job feeling proud of the finish they have achieved. The business and our team believe in the importance of protecting and enhancing our built heritage to ensure that it is there for future generations to appreciate.
The growth of the business meant that it was decided to progress to becoming a limited company in April 2014. At this time it was decided that Kaye, Dugie’s wife, would leave a career as an Education Manager and focus on helping develop the new business.
Since the new business, Dugie Clark Clachan Mhor, was formed, we have employed another stone mason. This allows us to work on multiple projects at the same time. However we are still small enough to ensure that we maintain our reputation for delivering quality projects, on time at an affordable price.
Our clients include private individuals as well as organisations where we are subcontracted. We have also successfully bid for several years for projects with Falkirk Council and Clackmannan Council. This has included historic bridge repairs, walls and graveyard repairs. We also subcontract for other landscape gardeners.